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Hindus in UK Media

In recent years, the portrayal of Hindus in UK media has sparked significant debate and concern within the community. This blog delves into the nuances of media bias against Hindus, examining the prevalence of stereotypes, underrepresentation, and negative framing. We explore the impact of these biased narratives on public perception and community cohesion. Additionally, the blog highlights efforts being made to address and counteract this bias, offering a pathway towards fair and balanced representation. Join us as we uncover the challenges and advocate for a more accurate and respectful portrayal of Hindus in UK media.

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Improving Hindu funeral services

Here is a suggested Action Plan for Hindu Organizations in the UK to Create Effective Community Organizations for improving Hindu funeral services and ensuring that the needs of all Hindus are met promptly and respectfully

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BBC image Shaz (left) feels Holi is "a special time" of the year because it lets people from all backgrounds celebrate

UK – Holi 2024

When BBC Asian Network visited the Holi event in Leeds, plenty were getting involved.
The Yorkshire event is described as the biggest of its kind in the UK, featuring a host of performers throughout the day.

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Isn’t time that Lawmakers, Human Rights orgs, USCRIF, Academia, including Harvard Business School's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiative, must take the initiative to lead in ending the miss-association of sacred symbols."

‘Hakenkreuz’ vs. ‘Swastika’

Find out why the Lawmakers, Human Rights orgs, USCRIF,  Academia, including Harvard Business School’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiative, must take the initiative to lead in ending the miss-association of sacred Hindu symbols.

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Hindus:- The Everlasting Impact of Hindus and Hinduism on World Civilisation

Let us explore some of Hinduism’s enduring contributions that continue to enrich humanity.

The contributions of Hindus and Hinduism to the world are manifold and enduring. From its profound philosophical insights to its practical applications in science, medicine, and social welfare, Hinduism continues to inspire and enrich humanity in myriad ways. As the world grapples with complex challenges, the timeless wisdom of Hinduism serves as a guiding light, reminding us of our shared humanity and the interconnectedness of all existence.

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Documenting Christian Atrocities In India

USCIRF: An organisation of Particular Concern

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has been flagging India as a ‘Country of Particular Concern’ consecutively for the last three years. In our previous report, ‘USCIRF: An organization of Particular Concern’, we uncovered how the move was an outcome of the influence and infiltration by Islamist elements constituting the Jamaat nexus in the US. One of the key individuals behind anti-India propaganda from USCIRF was Nadine Maenza, who has now moved to the International Religious Freedom Secretariat as its President, an organization duly promoted by the US State Department IRF.

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Embracing Diversity: Unity in Plurality

In a world marked by diversity, where cultures and traditions intertwine, the Hindu festival of Holi stands as a beacon of joy, color, and unity. Originating in the Indian subcontinent, Holi transcends geographical boundaries to become a global celebration of harmony and togetherness. As we delve into the significance of Holi in contemporary times, we uncover its timeless relevance and the profound message it carries for humanity.

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Hindu Persecution In Pakistan: School Principal Notan Lal Cleared Of Blasphemy Charges, Five Years After He Was Jailed And Mobs Indulged In Anti-Hindu Violence

Hindu Persecution In Pakistan

In yet another manifestation of how Pakistan’s ‘blasphemy’ laws — laws penalising criticism of Islam and its founder — are repeatedly used for persecuting religious minorities, a Hindu man has been found not guilty of blasphemy, after spending five years in jail amid death threats.

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Persecution of Hindus in Pakistan: A Cry for Justice

Religious Persecution and Discriminatory Laws

Hindus in Pakistan are a small minority, mostly in rural Sindh, facing socioeconomic challenges like landlessness and low-wage labor, as well as state-sponsored discrimination and religious extremism.
They face forced conversions, denial of supplies, attacks on properties, false blasphemy accusations, and abduction of women.
India’s Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 (CAA) offers expedited citizenship to persecuted minorities from Pakistan and other neighboring countries. However, the act has been maligned as discriminatory by anti-India forces.

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California Amends 2020 Complaint Against Cisco; Says Caste Is Not Essential Part of Hinduism

Caste Is Not Essential Part of Hinduism

Commenting on the motion, HAF managing director Samir Kalra called it “a significant step forward in protecting the First Amendment religious rights of Hindu Americans. As we argued in our Motion to Intervene, the California Civil Rights Department is constitutionally prohibited from defining Hinduism or any religion for that matter.”

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British MP slams BBC over Ram Mandir Coverage

BBC’s biased coverage against Hindus

“Last week Ram Mandir was consecrated in Ayodhya-the birthplace of Lord Ram-in Uttar Pradesh in India. That caused great joy to Hindus across the world. Sadly, BBC reported that it was the site of the destruction of a mosque, forgetting that it had been a temple for more than 2,000 years before that, and that the Muslims had been allocated a five-acre site adjacent to the town on which to erect a mosque.” 

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No mention of Hindus in the US Proclamation on Religious Freedom 2024

“The recent “Proclamation on Religious Freedom, 2024” by President Biden lacks any mention of Hindus.

“The recent “Proclamation on Religious Freedom, 2024” by President Biden lacks any mention of Hindus. This is a shocking omission of a minority faith that is facing increasing attacks in the US. … The Hindu American community is in shock and trauma at the open and repeated violation of their sacred places of worship. CoHNA is disappointed at this how hate against Hinduism raises little to no concern among our lawmakers.

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California Amends 2020 Complaint Against Cisco; Says Caste Is Not Essential Part of Hinduism

Caste Is Not Essential Part of Hinduism

Commenting on the motion, HAF managing director Samir Kalra called it “a significant step forward in protecting the First Amendment religious rights of Hindu Americans. As we argued in our Motion to Intervene, the California Civil Rights Department is constitutionally prohibited from defining Hinduism or any religion for that matter.”

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British MP slams BBC over Ram Mandir Coverage

BBC’s biased coverage against Hindus

“Last week Ram Mandir was consecrated in Ayodhya-the birthplace of Lord Ram-in Uttar Pradesh in India. That caused great joy to Hindus across the world. Sadly, BBC reported that it was the site of the destruction of a mosque, forgetting that it had been a temple for more than 2,000 years before that, and that the Muslims had been allocated a five-acre site adjacent to the town on which to erect a mosque.” 

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No mention of Hindus in the US Proclamation on Religious Freedom 2024

“The recent “Proclamation on Religious Freedom, 2024” by President Biden lacks any mention of Hindus.

“The recent “Proclamation on Religious Freedom, 2024” by President Biden lacks any mention of Hindus. This is a shocking omission of a minority faith that is facing increasing attacks in the US. … The Hindu American community is in shock and trauma at the open and repeated violation of their sacred places of worship. CoHNA is disappointed at this how hate against Hinduism raises little to no concern among our lawmakers.

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