Old video of Leicester violence provocateur Ali Dawah, calling for the execution of apostates in Islamic land, goes viral

Old video of Leicester violence provocateur Ali Dawah, calling for the execution of apostates in Islamic land, goes viral

On Tuesday (3rd October), a video of UK-based Islamic preacher Ali Dawah, calling for the public execution of apostates (individuals who renunciate religion) after the takeover of Islam all over the world, went viral on social media.

He was heard baying for the blood of an ex-Muslim and apostate named Ridvan Aydemir, who runs the popular YouTube channel ‘The Apostate Prophet.’ It must be mentioned that Ali Dawah was the frontrunner in peddling the conspiracy theory about RSS’ involvement in the 2022 Leicester violence.

In the video, the Islamic preacher was heard saying, “Yeah there’s a reason why there’s a capital punishment because people like you, little weaklings, who leave their religion and cause corruption in the land by spreading it. The capital punishment and Islamic law will be applied to you. We have no doubt and we are proud of that.”

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