There Maybe No Hindus Left in Bangladesh in 30 years
Did you know that in the past 70 years, the population of Hindus in Bangladesh has drastically reduced from 28 to 8.9%? There has been a perpetual stream of low-grade violence against Hindus and other religions in the country leading to ethnic cleansing. This has been largely ignored by the western media. Why does the mainstream western media, self-proclaimed champions of the forgotten, give such little attention to the violence and forced conversion of Hindus and other minorities in Bangladesh?
A significant decline in the Hindu and Sikh population has also happened in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Every year, a few thousand Hindu and Sikh girls are forcefully abducted, converted and married to their abductors in Pakistan. The attack on Nankana Sahib Gurudwara (Sikh Temple) in Pakistan on January 3rd, 2020 is a glaring example.
The Western media rarely talks about the decline of the Hindu population from 10% in 1947 to well under 1% in terrorism riddled Kashmiri districts after the final genocide and exodus of Kashmiri Pandits in January 1990. An enormous decline in Hindu population and more widespread perpetual violence against Hindus in Bangladesh, Pakistan and certain regions of India like Kashmir, Nagaland, West Bengal and Mizoram receives far less coverage than sporadic incidents of violence against others in the remaining India.
All of this doesn’t scrape the tip of the iceberg. Hindus have faced unparalleled genocide and ethnic elimination during many centuries of slavery under Mughal and British rule. The western media is still tripped up on the colonial and racist mindset and refrains from acknowledging, and adequately publishing the stories with facts and balanced perspectives when it comes to the plight of the Hindus. The undercover influence of petrodollars, missionary money and misconceptions about Hinduism has also lured many a journalist to propagate distorted narratives and peddle divisive propaganda about the suffering of minority Hindu populace in these regions.
The hypocrisy of it all does not end at minority Hindu suffering though. Hindus have to face blatantly disparaging insults on social and other media channels regularly, even in India, where they are the majority. Take for example, this noxious tweet by Furkan khan, a producer from the US National Public radio (NPR), supposedly a beacon of “fair and fact-driven” journalism: